A: My name is Ashley. I like animals, all types and all sizes. I enjoy eating apples. I like granny smith apples when I’m in the mood for something sour, and red delicious apples when I’m in the mood for something sweet, but my favorite kind of apple has to be caramel apples with sprinkles.
B: I like books, mostly all types of books. Historical books, biographies, fiction, non-fiction, fantasy, I like them all. I also like ballet. I have been doing ballet for 12years this year. It is slow, but not physical; I am not a very physical person, so you can see why I like non-physical sports, if you call it a sport.
C: Cookies are delicious, especially when they are fresh out of the oven or not baked. My favorite kind of cookie is chocolate chip. I like when they are fresh out of the oven and the whole cookie is gooey and melt-y and delicious. Another yummy food that I like is chocolate. I like any type, but my favorite is Godiva milk chocolate. I enjoy coloring. I know some people might say that I’m too old for coloring, but I like it anyways, even though I’m not very good at it.
D: I like dancing. I have a bad habit of dancing whenever I’m eating and standing. I just have to; there is no way to stop it. I also like Disney. I love everything Disney, especially Disney movies.
E: I hate eggs! I hate when they are being fried and the smell they give off. It’s horrible. It makes me want to gag. I do like elephants.
F: I like fairy tales. Fantasy stories are a good kind of story to escape into, become part of that story. I like to imagine I am somewhere else, I guess you could say I have a big imagination.
G: Games are fun, especially board games. I like mostly all board games you can think of, but my favorite would have to be Life.
H: I love history! I love learning about history, talking about history, reading about history, watching other people talk about history, researching history, and inform others who don’t know about it. History has always been my passion, ever since I was 4 years old. It is the funnest thing in the world to me.
I: I like ice cream, it is very yummy and delicious. My favorite kind is chocolate, if it's soft serve. If it's hard serve, i like chocolate chip.
J: Juice is a very tasty and sweet drink. I like grape juice, apple juice, and sometimes cranberry juice.
K: Keri is my best friend's name. We have been best friends for about 6years. She doesn't go to the same school as me anymore, but we will still stay best friends no matter what.
L: Lemons are sour, but when you mix them with sugar and water, you get lemonade! I like lemonade in the summer when it's hot out and the lemonade has been in the fridge for hours and when you drink it you are automatically cooled down.
M: Movies are fun to watch. I like many movies, I am not really a fan of scary movies though, I like happy endings that don't involve someone getting killed along the way.
N: I like new things. Change doesn't always come easy, but once i get used to it I end up likeing it.
O: Octopus is an animal. Well, actually I think it's a fish. I like all fish, too. Not to eat, because I hate eating fish, or even watching other people fish.
P: I like pasta. Italian food is one of my favorite types of food. I like pasta with marinara sauce, not meat sauce.
Q: I don't like eating quail. It's a bird, so it's kind of weird knowing that you are eating something that could fly.
R: I sometimes enjoy running. I ran track in 7th and 8th grade and I guess I enjoyed it. I'm not sure yet if I will do it this year.
S: Shopping is one of my favorite activities. I could shop for days, if i had the money, but i don't, so i just shop until i run out.
T: I like the Titanic. Not how it sank and people died, but learning about it. It was the first thing that got me into loving history. Turtles are my favorite animal.
U: Umbrellas are very useful. They sheild you from the rain, or sun. I like them.
V: Taking vacations is one of my favorite things to do. I like traveling and seeing other parts of this planet besides Livonia.
W: I like wedding cake. I think it is the best kind of cake out there. The people who make it spend so much time making it and it shows when you taste how good it is.
X: Playing the xylophone for fun can is something I like to do when I’m bored and come upon it in my basement.
Y: I enjoy eating yogurt. I like that Trix triple cherry kind, but my favorite is frozen yogurt. I like the chocolate kind of that.
Z: I like the zoo. I like watching animal in their semi-habitat. If it was their actual habitat, there wouldn't be cages surrounding them.