This time of year sure is the most wonderfel time of the year. Christmas is personally my favorite holiday. Is it because I’m a selfish brat who loves getting stuff? No, I would never ever think that way. My favorite part of the holiday is shopping. When I go to the store in search of the perfect present it always makes me feel excited and happy. What makes it even better is when I actually found that perfect present and the person I gave it to lights up when they open it. It makes me feel good to know that all that searching paid off. Actually here are so many things I truly love about Christmas.
I love driving by all the houses and staring at the brightly colored lights and decorations. I love how on t.v. there is always a Christmas movie playing. I love Christmas movies. Although I hate to admit it I love the snow. I love how people are always so happy. I love how excited I still get on Christmas Eve. I love how Christmas smells, which at my house is cinnamon and pine tree. I love staring at the Christmas tree. I love staring out my window at all the snow, and admiring how picture perfect pretty it looks. I love taking pictures of the picture perfect snow outside my window. I love Christmas music. I love wrapping presents for my cousins and aunts and uncles. I love decorating the tree. I love making snow men. I love getting Christmas cards. I love sitting by the fire at my grandma’s Christmas party. The last thing I am going to bore you with on my long list of things I love about Christmas is that I love how whenever I think about Christmas I smile.
I would like to wish everyone a merry Christmas and a happy new year!
Merry Christmas!
Feliz Navidad!
gëzuar krishtlindjet!
vrolijk kerstfeest!
Joyeux Noël!
frohe Weihnachten!
Buon Natale!
nollaig shona!